Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Makeup Artist's Choice (MUAC) Haul

On my journey to eliminate my acne scars I came across many skincare forums that recommended doing peels on a regular basis. Many people had show tremendous results in the lightening and elimination of their acne scars, so I was convinced! Most of the threads I read mentioned doing them at home for a fraction of the cost of a salon. Being a skincare junkie I immediately started searching where to buy these peels and how to use them. In my search I came across a company called Makeup Artist's Choice or MUAC for short. You can visit their website here:
I immediately started browsing their products and was looking mostly in the category for acne scars. There a cam across a plethora of peels! I was completely overwhelmed. So I started reading reviews and researching the types of peels they have available. Some of the peels they carry are Mandelic Acid, Salicylic, Glycolic, Lactic and TCA. Mandelic, Salicylic and Lactic are considered to be some of the lighter peels. Even though I've used Retin-a Micro for over a year I was still a little nervous about trying a chemical peel for the first time and especially at home. I didn't want to end up like this.....

After reading horror stories and seeing extremely frightening and disheartening pictures online, I decided to try one of the more gentle peels, Lactic Acid. MUAC carries two Lactic Acid peels. One is 40% and one is 55%. I opted for the 40% because it's the lowest they sell. I chose Lactic Acid because I wanted to start out slow and work my way up to a TCA peel. MUAC recommends using a peel for 5-8 weeks to prep your skin for another peel or if you've never done a peel at all. Other companies do carry lower percentages of Lactic Acid, but I was really intrigued by MUAC's philosophy. I really wanted to try their products and I liked the fact that I was supporting a local business since I live in Baltimore. MUAC also has exceptional customer service. I had many questions about the peel and the size that I was ordering and they answered every question I had. My products also came in record time and they always ship for free! Plus you can join their mailing list and get lots of great discounts!

I ordered the 0.5oz 40% Lactic Acid Peel and it came with a 0.5oz bottle of their PH Prep. It was $17.75 and I was told it would last at least 5 peels. But! as you will read in the review, it will last way beyond 5!

I also ordered their 1oz bottle of Argan Oil since it's supposed to be really great for your skin and also help heal after peels! It cost $10.00. I also received 15% off of my entire order because they were having a promotion at the time.

Reviews of both products to come!!

*I purchased all these products with my own money!*

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